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knee replacement


Knee Replacement Surgery is a surgical procedure to reverse knee damage caused by a disease or condition such as arthritis. Also known as arthroplasty or total knee replacement, this procedure involves cutting away the damaged bone and cartilage from the lower end of thighbone and an upper end of shinbone and replacing it with an artificial joint made of metal and plastic polymer.


For those who have severe knee trauma or knee joint conditions, your doctor might suggest a knee replacement surgery as an option to lead a pain-free life. This surgical procedure may be considered for someone with severe arthritis or knee trauma. The goal of knee replacement surgery is to repair the damage caused to the knee joint and relieve the pain when other forms of treatment such as medications do not work.

Knee replacement surgery is a common treatment for Osteoarthritis. When a patient is diagnosed with osteoarthritis, there is a breakdown of joint cartilage. If the cartilage suffers damage, movement becomes restricted and causes immense pain. People with osteoarthritis experience difficulties in performing day-to-day activities such as walking, climbing the stairs, or bending. These activities might strain the knee, causing it to swell or dislocate, as the knee joint is not stable. Another condition that may require knee replacement surgery is Rheumatoid Arthritis. Performed during an advanced stage, Total Knee Replacement has proven to be the most successful procedure that relieves the person from unremitting pain and deformity. With the advancement in science and technology, the medical fraternity has moved from traditional knee replacement surgery to robotic knee replacement surgery. Following is the detailed information on Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery.

What is Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery?

Severe joint conditions such as Arthritis may not have a complete cure yet. But the treatment methods are getting better and the long-term relief factor is improving as well. In traditional knee replacement surgery, the damaged part of the bone is removed and replaced with an artificial joint implant. Robotic knee replacement surgery is not carried out by a robot on its own (a common misconception due to its name). In this procedure, the same process of the traditional knee replacement surgery is carried out, but with the assistance of a robotic arm. This is the ideal treatment for patients suffering from severe knee pain, as the robotic knee replacement surgery offers long-lasting relief with maximum effectiveness.

When can you undergo robotic knee replacement surgery?

If you are eligible to undergo a traditional knee replacement surgery, then you are also eligible for a robotic knee replacement surgery. But, before you go in for the robotic knee replacement surgery, take the opinion of your doctor. For conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, your doctor might prescribe other forms of treatment before suggesting the surgery. Depending upon the severity of your condition and pain, they may recommend less invasive methods such as:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Pain killers
  • Limiting strenuous physical activities
  • Weight loss
  • Healthy diet
  • Physical therapy
  • Cortisone injections
  • Devices to assist walking (cane/walker)
  • Viscosupplementation injection (to make joint movements less painful)

If you do not get relief through these treatments, your doctor will suggest a knee replacement surgery. 

How does the robotic knee replacement procedure take place?

As mentioned above, the procedure is assisted by a robotic arm, while the orthopedic surgeon controls it. The traditional method involves the surgeon manually removing the damaged bone and cartilage, replacing it with an artificial joint. However, the robotic arm in this method helps the surgeon in performing knee replacement surgery with utmost precision.

Before the surgery, a CT is taken, through which a 3D model of the patient’s knee is created. This allows the surgeon to be more accurate while planning for the surgery and thus executing it further inside OT. As per the plan approved by surgeon, the robotic arm performs a series of tasks such as bone registration, bone resection, intra-operative monitoring followed by implant positioning. During the surgery, the robotic arm works in a predefined space by the surgeon during 3D pre-planning, ensuring maximum bone cutting precision and safety as the surrounding tissues are not damaged.

What are the benefits of Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery?

Since this technique is quite new, the long-term benefits of robotic knee replacement surgery are yet to be determined. But, the short-term benefits of robotic knee replacement surgery are plenty and quite promising.

Reduced recovery time: In a traditional knee replacement surgery, an average patient won’t be able to resume physical activities such as walking, driving, or any strenuous activity until 4 – 6 weeks. But with robotic knee replacement surgery, this time is reduced by half. This is due to the comparatively lesser invasive nature of this procedure, involving smaller incisions and great precision, which ensures that there is lesser bone trauma and the nearby tissues aren’t damaged.

Fewer complications: Patients who undergo robotic knee replacement surgery tend to have fewer complications as compared to those who undergo traditional knee replacement surgery. The minimally invasive nature of this surgery ensures lower chances of infection, so that the patient does not have to take another trip to the hospital.

Lower joint awareness: After the completion of the knee replacement surgery and the associated resting period, you should be able to go about your daily tasks without any hindrance. But, for many patients, these day-to-day tasks might be difficult as they may trigger Joint awareness in the form of stiffness, numbness, or pain. Improved accuracy of the robotic knee replacement surgery, reduces the possibility of joint awareness and relieves pain.

Even though robotic knee replacement surgery is a relatively new procedure to treat arthritis and knee trauma, it has been proven to give better results as compared to the traditional procedure. According to studies, robotic knee replacement surgery offers more accuracy, and its less invasive nature prevents damage to the surrounding areas resulting in lesser blood loss and faster recovery. But before you zero down on your final treatment option, consult with your doctor/healthcare provider and analyze the pros and cons of this treatment method to see if it is ideal for your condition.

You might be thinking: “Why do my joints ache when it’s cold?”

Usually, joint pains are symptoms of some injury or an extension of an underlying health condition. But, the winter season does create more muscle stiffness and joint aches if one is spending more time outdoors. It is also true that many people who suffer from chronic joint issues like arthritis and osteoarthritis find that their condition worsens during the winter season. And, as we all know that warmth improves your blood circulation, keeps all tissues well-nourished, cold weather can lead to a drop in blood circulation levels. Though there’s no scientific evidence behind this relationship, taking a few extra measures to ease joint pain may help you tackle problems related to fluctuating temperatures. Let’s now take a brief look and understand the possible reasons for this kind of pain, tips on tackling joint stiffness during cold, and the reason why you should not have a Total Knee Replacement surgery during the winter season.


1. During winters, the protective fluid inside our joints gets thicker leading to stiffening of the joints.

2. Drop in the barometric pressure can cause your muscles, tendons, and surrounding tissues to expand beyond the confined body space which causes pain.

3. Even the nerves become sensitive during the winter season leading to increased anxiety and tension on the muscles and joints.

4. People who are less active in the winter season face issues while maintaining the good health of the joints.

5. During winters, our body circulates less blood to the entire body and even to the central areas of the body causing more pain and stiffness.


During the winter season people who experience chronic joint stiffness and pain, their symptoms get worse due to the cold weather. Taking few measures and extra efforts during winter would help you fight the pain. These tips would not cure your joint pain but help you in causing relief during the winters.

  1. Stay warm

This tip would depend on the area an individual stays in. Depending on the area, if it is too cold they should wear warm clothes and make sure that their hands, legs, and joints that are affected by arthritis are covered at all times. Try to stay indoors whenever possible.  

  • Hydrating is a must

Dehydration makes people sensitive to pain. Drinking lots of water during winter is very important as the dry air makes people feel dehydrated, tired, and achy. Apart from drinking water at regular intervals, drinking warm soups and tea can also help you stay warm.  

  • Take your Vitamin D

Lack of Vitamin D can also be a reason for joint pain. It also raises the risk for osteoporosis. Consult your doctor regarding the best supplement for you.

  • Exercise and be active

People often gain weight during winters. As the weather makes you lazy and you tend to eat more. The excess weight would make your joints pain more as it puts a lot of pressure on it. Hence it is important to stay active and maintain your weight.


Many patients have this question regarding when is the best time to have a Total Knee Replacement surgery. People should always do their TKR surgery during warm weather as it makes the recovery process better for a majority of people.

1. Changing of clothes

Changing clothes during the summer season is less hectic as you put on fewer layers for obvious reasons on your body making it easier for the wound to be untouched for a longer period. It is always advisable to wear clothes that are easy to wear and remove.

2. Sleeping

Sleeping for few weeks just after the surgery can be a big task and hence it is always good to wear light cotton clothes and light bedding for a sound sleep.

3. Air conditioner and heater

The normal temperature will make less unnecessary usage of the heater and air conditioner while you are recovering from the surgery. Warm weather always allows you to get out for small walks and trips without any hassle.

4. Travelling

Post your in-home therapy, you would be often visiting your therapist for offsite therapy and that’s when avoiding unnecessary (traveling in winter season) and load on your surgery site is crucial. Driving by yourself is a strict NO during this period.

5. Work-life balance
Taking days off and resting for an adequate amount of time is paramount and hence deciding on the right surgery time during your long holidays will help you go through it faster and better. It’s always advisable for seasonal workers to have surgery, especially during their off-season.
Several additional factors contribute to one’s recovery, especially total knee replacement. And, despite a successful TKR, rehabilitation will play a key role in a successful recovery. Also, it is important to acknowledge the fact if you are a person that gets affected negatively, then paying closer attention to your diet and supplements becomes of the highest importance. Preparing yourself from the inside out can help you minimize the impact of cold weather in general and also in case of surgery. Consuming vitamin-rich foods and consulting your primary care doctor in case of any difficulty will only in faster recovery.

Mr. Gonsalves was leading a normal and active life till arthritis crept up and set his life in turmoil. From being an active 60+ grandpa, he soon became confined to his bed and dependent on his walker. After years of physical therapy, medication and non-invasive procedures, the pain simply did not subside. Faced with debilitating pain that prevented the senior citizen from even getting a good night’s sleep, his family doctor and orthopedic surgeon recommended a Total Knee Replacement as the solution to the problem at hand. Six months post-surgery,
Mr. Gonsalves is now a changed man who has gained a new lease at life. Here is his side of the story.

What made you choose to undergo a Total Knee Replacement?

Unfortunately, all the initial efforts at managing my condition like physical therapy, medicine and more, failed and I was left battling the pain and restricted movement. As someone who previously led a very active life, picking up my grandchildren from the bus stop, going for a walk with my friends every morning, this condition started affecting me mentally and emotionally. Lastly, my family doctor and orthopedic surgeon recommended Total Knee Replacement as the solution to my condition.

Was it an easy decision to make?

To be honest, I was a little apprehensive about undergoing the surgery as would anyone who is in this situation. Fortunately, both my family doctor and orthopedic surgeon were very helpful when it came to assuaging my doubts and fears. They told me that this procedure is one of the most common orthopedic surgeries in the world with a vast majority of people experiencing significant improvement in pain and mobility after the procedure. The final decision to undergo the surgery was made cooperatively by me, my family, my family physician, and my orthopedic surgeon. Here I must add that my family physician first referred me to an orthopedic surgeon for a thorough evaluation to determine whether I might benefit from this surgery.

Would you recommend a knee replacement surgery to lakhs of people suffering from knee pain?

Only if your condition is unmanageable through non-invasive means like mine was, will they recommend the surgery.  In fact, your orthopedic or family doctor won’t recommend you undergo one without due cause. In most cases, the patient’s family doctor will recommend the patient to an orthopedic surgeon who will evaluate if the patient is the right candidate for Total Knee Replacement. This was the process that I myself underwent before undergoing the surgery. From what I realized after having spoken at length with my orthopedic surgeon is that they only recommend surgery if:

  • The patient has severe knee pain that restricts their movements. These include regular movements like walking, climbing stairs and sitting in and getting off chairs. The knee pain in such cases is usually so severe that one cannot walk too far without significant pain or the use of a cane or walker.
  • The pain interferes with the patient’s resting or sleeping both during day and night.
  • The inflammation and swelling are severe and do not improve with rest and medications.
  • The knee starts showing signs of a deformity like bowing in and out.
  • Lastly, when everything from anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections, lubricating injections, physical therapy, or other surgeries have failed.

How is your life post-surgery?

To say that it is incredible is an understatement! I feel as if I have got a new lease in life. The reduction in stiffness was almost immediate after the surgery. The pain took some time to go, but that was because of the surgery itself. Now I can confidently state that I am pain-free and happy! I was able to walk with the help of a walker almost 24 hours after surgery and was driving within 6 weeks. I am back to my old routine and my grandchildren are thrilled to have their grandpa back at school pick-up duty! Going for walks and socializing with my friends is also something I really enjoyed getting back to. All those years of pain and discomfort seem like a bad memory now. I am so glad to have undergone the surgery and would advise anyone in severe and unmanageable knee pain to undergo the surgery instead of waiting for their condition to worsen. I made my choice and I am truly thankful that it was the best one for me!