


If you are reading this, chances are that you might have undergone a Caesarean Section or caesarean delivery and are looking forward to getting rid of the belly fat ASAP. Well, there is news for you. It’s going to take time. It cannot happen overnight. Your body has just produced another human being inside you and carried it for 9 months. That’s a lot to shed when it comes to reducing belly after a Caesarean Section.

If we do a comparison between Normal Delivery and Caesarean, Caesarean Delivery can be quite an experience on the body. They cause a major impact on your muscles in the abdominal area and the floor of the pelvis. Also, the body loses major quantities of blood during a Caesarean Delivery. During this process, you will gain lots of fat and accumulate a large quantity of fat in the abdomen area.

Now, this doesn’t mean that getting back in shape isn’t possible. There are a few things that you need to keep in mind if you are looking to do so after a C-Section delivery.

1)      Be patient: As soon as your baby is born, your hormones begin to alter, contracting your uterus. It requires at least 6 to 8 weeks for your uterus to take its original size. So, take all the time to nurture your body and give time to heal and let it come back in its original form. After all, patience is the key post a normal delivery or a Caesarean Section.

2)      Consult your doctor first: If you are firm on your decision of losing your belly fat, firstly consult your doctor before initiating any remedy. As per evidence, it is recommended to wait for at least 8 weeks to start any exercise or diet alterations. As eager as you might be to lose the weight right away, this will only cause complications if you rush into it and without a doctor’s advice. So, avoid home remedies post a Caesarean Section.

3)      Prefer breastfeeding your baby: Breastfeeding will cause you to automatically get rid of excess weight after delivery, be it Normal or a Caesarean Delivery. The process involves burning calories i. e. around 250 to 500 calories/ day.  Also, breastfeeding contracts the body which also involved shrinking the uterus to some extent.

4)      Avoiding consuming processed foods: After caesarean deliveries, it is best to not consume processed foods like chips, fried foods, baked items etc. Because when you consume processed food, it not only affects your body but also your baby’s diet especially if you are beast-feeding. If you constantly keep consuming junk food post-Caesarean Delivery, you ingest chemicals in your body which is harmful to both – you and your child.

5)      Prefer eating whole foods: Wondering what to consume if not junk? Well, the answer is pretty simple – WHOLESOME FOOD! Pulses, grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts etc. are considered best after a normal or a Caesarean Section. This provides you with the nutrition that you and your baby require. You both benefit from it. You feel good, you feel active and full, your baby is growing healthy and you are on a way to a healthy life after a Caesarean Delivery or a normal delivery.

6)      Initiate walking to lose weight: A simpler form of exercise which is best for normal delivery or caesarean is walking. It doesn’t exert any pressure on your body after a Caesarean Delivery. It is easy and highly recommended because it keeps your heart pumping and keeps the blood circulation good. You can always step out with your friends and family to get some fresh air and take some time off from the routine. It also helps you reduce the belly fat and helps you get back to a good shape slowly if done steadily.

7)      Opt for mild Exercises: Before you start this, it is recommended to wait for 6-8 weeks post a Caesarean Delivery. You can start with basic yoga and exercises – sphinx pose or a bridge pose which will help strengthen your pelvic muscles. It is best to do it under expert guidance to get the form correct and avoid any injury.

Childbirth is a miracle that everyone looks forward to. But sometimes, complications may arise and in place of normal delivery, a woman may need to opt for a Caesarean delivery.  Caesarean delivery or C-Section is a delivery operation where a surgical cut is made in the mother’s abdomen and uterus.

The decision to undertake a C-Section delivery depends on the doctor. If a medical professional feels it’s safer for the mother to undergo a caesarean surgery over normal vaginal delivery. Caesarean delivery is avoided before 39 weeks of pregnancy for the child to have proper time to develop in the womb. But, in some acute cases, complications may arise and caesarean delivery will need to be performed before the 39 weeks. This is why pregnant women must undergo prenatal care when they’re pregnant so that the doctors can spot any complications beforehand.

In this surgical delivery, a cut is made in the skin and into the uterus at the lower portion of the abdomen of the mother. However, the cut in the skin and mostly, a transverse uterine cut is preferred in the majority of cases, due to good healing outcomes and also less bleeding. Also, it raises future chances for a vaginal birth. However, the type of cuts depends on the mother’s and the fetus’s conditions.

C-section delivery depends on case to case. As such, the doctor will decide whether to go for a horizontal cut, known as a transverse cut or opt for a vertical cut. In a transverse uterine cut, the surgeon makes an incision across the lower part of the uterus. Since these muscles do not contract during labor it is unlikely to tear. In a vertical cut, the doctor will make the incision that extends from the belly button to the pubic hairline.

In most cases, a transverse uterine cut is preferred because it leads to good healing outcomes and also lesser bleeding. It also raises the chances of normal vaginal birth in the future. But, the decision to do so will be in the hands of your doctor, as they know what is the safest option to undertake.

Now that we have a bit of a background on C-Section delivery, let’s see it’s different types.

Types of C-section

1)Planned C-section

As the name implies, a planned C-Section is one where the mother knows well in advance that her baby will be delivered via cesarean delivery on a particular date and likely won’t even go into labor. During a planned c-section, the doctor will take 10 to 15 minutes for making the incision and delivering the baby. Throughout the pregnancy, the mother can be better prepared for what is to come.

2) Emergency C-section

Unlike a planned delivery surgery, an emergency C-section will be a decision that is made by the doctor on the spot. If complications occur during the delivery, the doctor will opt for this surgical procedure. During an emergency C-Section, the baby will be delivered in about 2 minutes from the time the doctor makes an incision in the mother’s uterus.

This brings us to the most important question – Why does a woman need to undergo caesarean surgery?

Typically, a caesarean delivery is performed when complications from pregnancy make natural vaginal birth difficult or put the child or mother at risk. Sometimes caesarean delivery is planned or scheduled early in the pregnancy, but they are most often performed because of problems during labor.

Several conditions make a caesarean delivery a safer choice to deliver a healthy baby. These include:

  • A tangled umbilical cord: The umbilical cord, which connects the fetus to the uterus, may get pinched, or the fetus may have an abnormal heart rate.
  • Size of the head: A baby’s head can sometimes be too big for the birth canal or the baby may too large to travel through the cervix. At such times, a C-Section is needed.
  • Lack of contractions: At times, contractions may not open the cervix enough for the baby to move into the vagina for delivery. When this happens, the doctor may choose to make a surgical incision.
  • Multiple gestations:  When a woman is pregnant with twins or triplets, she may need to deliver via a C-section delivery
  • Previous caesarean delivery: In this case, the doctor may recommend a repeat caesarean delivery to avoid further complications.
  • Position of Foetus: The fetus is in the breech or transverse position. During these conditions, C-section might be the safest way to deliver a baby
  • Pre-existing conditions: If the mother has active genital herpes that could be transmitted to the baby, then the doctor may choose to go for a C-Section.
  • Early pregnancy complications

However, a cesarean delivery is an intensive procedure that requires a longer healing process than a vaginal delivery. Only opt for a CDMR (Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request) once a doctor provides a clear picture of the risks and side effects associated with the procedure.

What are the risks and side effects of caesarean delivery?

Caesarean deliveries are becoming a more common delivery type worldwide, but it’s still a major surgery that carries risks for both mother and child. Vaginal birth remains the preferred method for the lowest risk of complications. The risks of caesarean delivery include:

  • Bleeding: It can lead to a blood transfusion or having the womb removed.
  • Abnormal placental separation: Especially if a prior caesarean delivery has taken place.
  • Bladder or bowel injury can occur during caesarean delivery.
  • Uterine infection:  You might be at risk of developing an infection of the lining of the uterus because of a C-Section.
  • Surgical wound infection: The mother might be at an increased risk of an incision infection post a caesarean delivery.
  • Problems in passing urine after having a cesarean delivery.
  • Delayed resumption of regular bowel function.
  • Blood clot formation: Having a c-section might increase the risk of developing a blood clot inside a deep vein.

Not just the mother, even the infant can have complications. These include:

  • Surgical injury: A cut to the baby’s skin, caused during surgery. Most often, this is minor and heals quickly.
  • A higher risk of admission to the neonatal unit(an intensive care unit (ICU) specializing in the care of ill or premature new-born infants)
  • Breathing problems – This is more common if the C-section is performed before 39 weeks of pregnancy. Most breathing problems get better after a few days but some babies need to go into the neonatal unit.

So, should you be worried if you have undergone a C-Section?

Pregnancy in itself is a beautiful and memorable process. But for many women, especially those who are delivering for the first time, it may be a bit intimidating. So, if you have to undergo a C-Section, there isn’t much to be scared of. Both planned and emergency caesarean surgeries carry a certain amount of risk, but if you follow the advice of your doctor, many of these risks can be controlled and you will be able to enjoy the miracle of childbirth once the said risk passes.

Giving birth is a phenomenal thing.

The journey of pregnancy is one of the most memorable and fulfilling experiences one can have. If you have had to undergo a C-Section or Caesarean delivery, you know that an extra amount of caution will be required once you give birth. Every new mother deals with it in her way; in her own time. So, no fixed protocol will help every mother, but there are certain precautionary steps one needs to keep in mind post a C-section / Caesarean delivery.

Just like any other surgery, a C-Section delivery means that you need to give time for your body to heal properly. Doing so is not difficult if you follow a few steps diligently. So, if you have undergone surgery, here are a few tips you need to keep in mind.

A) Get Ample Rest

For you, the health of your infant will be of paramount importance. But, at the same time, you need to take care of your health as well. As C-section or Caesarean delivery is major surgery, you need to take ample rest to provide the required amount of time for your body to heal properly.  You will need to stay in the hospital for 3 to 4 days after delivery, but beyond that, you will need up to 6 weeks to get healed completely. Till then, you only need to rest, apart from attending to your baby. The more you rest, the more quickly your body recovers – mentally and physically. Your health directly or indirectly affects your baby’s health. So, it’s important to take time and heal well.

B)  Take Extra Care of your Body

Just like any other surgery, putting stress on your body after a C-Section surgery is a bad idea. Now of course, with a baby in tow, being sedentary will not be an option for you. But there are a few things best avoided. Firstly, try not to climb any stairs as much as possible. Apart from this, make sure you do not lift any heavy objects. While a caesarean delivery has become commonplace, many people still don’t have a complete idea about it. So, avoid taking opinions on health from anyone but your doctor. Stay away from, any kind of home remedies and make sure you have your medicines (if any) as specified by your doctor. Your doctor may also prescribe light exercises after caesarean delivery. Follow it diligently.

C) Mental Health after C-Section Delivery

For women who have just delivered a child, mental health can be a sensitive issue. After a C-Section delivery, your body is ought to be fragile. With these challenges, suffering from post-partum depression can be a possibility. In case you are feeling depressed or unnaturally moody, there is nothing to be worried about. Reach out to your doctor or a mental health specialist. It is perfectly fine to experience postpartum depression after a C-Section surgery and by following the advice given by a trained professional, you will be able to manage it well.

D)      Pain Relief

After a C-Section delivery, if you suffer from any pain in your thigh, groin, back of the knee, or calf for a persistent period, do not ignore it. Go to your doctor, as they may prescribe certain medicines for you to help curb the pain. The medicines may differ from person to person depending on whether or not you are breastfeeding your child. Along with this, using a heating pad is also a good idea. Do not take medicines that are not prescribed by your doctor as they may interfere with your current course of treatment and cause further problems.

E)      Eat Well

Good nutrition is as important as resting during recovery and after a C-section delivery. It promotes speedy recovery. It is recommended to eat foods that are high in protein, vitamin C, and iron. Proteins help in the healing process; vitamin C helps fight infection and Iron builds immunity.  If you are a breastfeeding mother, you are the sole source of nutrition for your baby as well. So, you need to eat varied nutrition-rich foods to keep yourself and your baby healthy, stronger, and full. Don’t forget to consume plenty of liquids, preferably water. Drinking 4 glasses of low-fat milk or fortified juice helps you get enough calcium and increases the milk supply for your baby as well. Also, consuming vegetables imparts flavour to the breast milk and the baby also develops a taste of these vegetables later in their life.

Like we mentioned earlier, every woman has a different curve of healing after undergoing a C-Section delivery. While you follow simple tips like these, it is also important that you stick to the advice given by your doctor. Remember, this is also a good time to bond with your baby and experience all the joys that motherhood has to offer.

Lastly, even as you enjoy a series of firsts with your baby, keep an eye on their health as well. Post a C-Section delivery, your child too can experience some difficulties. So, speak to your doctor and keep an eye out for any abnormalities.

This new journey of motherhood brings in a lot of changes in your life. So, the best way to glide

through this is to be aware and healthy and never hesitate to ask for help from friends and family!

The process of pregnancy is both a wonderful one, as well as one that is filled with doubts and questions. The moment someone finds out they are set to be a parent, the health of both the mother as well as the child becomes equally important.

Most often than not, pregnancies occur without any complications. But, certain pregnant women will encounter complications, affecting them or their baby’s health. In some cases, chronic disorders in expecting mothers, occurring before becoming pregnant, are responsible for causing complications during pregnancy. Some events also occur at the time of delivery. Early diagnosis and prenatal caution can minimize further risk to you and your baby even with complications.

What are these complications?

Pregnancy symptoms and complications can range from mild discomforts to severe, sometimes life-threatening illnesses. It can be difficult for a mother to determine which symptoms are normal and which are not. Problems during pregnancy may include physical and mental conditions that affect the health of the mother or the baby. Hence, proper precaution and doctor’s guidance is mandatory. Some of the most frequent complications of pregnancy include:

  • Hypertension or high blood pressure:

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, occurs when arteries carrying blood from the heart to the body organs and the placenta are narrowed. During pregnancy, this can make it difficult for blood to reach the placenta, which provides oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. It also puts the mother at a higher risk of having a baby well before their due date. When such a premature delivery takes place, it is called a preterm delivery.

  • Gestational diabetes:

At times, when a woman is pregnant, her body may not be able to process sugar effectively. This leads to higher-than-normal levels of sugar in their bloodstream. When such a thing happens, a woman may contract gestational diabetes. But even if it occurs, it should not be a big worry because gestational diabetes usually gets resolved after pregnancy. Still, it can cause problems during pregnancy, so women need to keep an eye out for it.

  • Pre-eclampsia:  

When pregnant, it is pertinent a woman gets herself checked for Pre-eclampsia, which is also known as Toxemia. This condition generally occurs after the initial 20 weeks of pregnancy, and when it does, it causes symptoms such as hypertension or problems with the kidney. While Pre-eclampsia can lead to outcomes like preterm delivery, in some serious cases, it can even cause fatalities, so you must consult with your doctor and stay completely clear of it.

  • Pre-term Labour:

At times, a woman may go into labor much earlier than expected. Ideally, 37 weeks is what can be considered normal delivery time, and anything before it can be called preterm. Preterm delivery can put the infant at higher risk because certain organs like the brain and lungs may not have completely developed as yet.  At such times, the infant may need to be put in an incubator or an intensive care unit for a while, till it develops fully functioning organs.

  • Miscarriage:

A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy during the first 20 weeks due to natural causes. Signs can include cramping, vaginal bleeding, or fluid or tissue passing from the vagina. It is recommended to contact your health care provider if you experience these signs at any point during pregnancy.

  • Stillbirth:

The loss of an infant after week 20 of pregnancy is called a stillbirth. Mostly, the cause of stillbirth is unknown. However, health conditions that can contribute to stillbirth include problems with the placenta or chronic health issues in the mother that affect the child.

  • Anemia:

It is a condition in which a woman has a lower than the normal count of healthy red blood cells. This makes it hard to carry adequate oxygen to the body’s tissues. Having anemia can make pregnant women feel tired and weaker than usual, which may lead to complications when the pregnancy advances.

  • Infections:

A variety of viral, bacterial, parasitic or sexually transmitted infections may occur during pregnancy and/or delivery which may lead to complications for the mother and the baby after delivery. Many of these infections can be prevented or treated with appropriate prenatal, pre-pregnancy along with postpartum follow-up care.

  • Hyperemesis gravidarum:

Extreme, persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, particularly in the first trimester. Some women may experience more severe symptoms that last into the third trimester. It can lead to weight loss, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances.

  • Ectopic Pregnancy:

A pregnancy in which the fertilized egg settles and grows outside the uterus, generally in the fallopian tube. The fertilized egg can’t survive outside the uterus. If left to grow, it may damage nearby organs and cause life-threatening loss of blood.

Can complications also occur during the time of delivery?

When a woman goes into delivery, certain pregnancy-related complications can arise. These include:

  • Breech position:

A baby is considered to be in the breech position when it is formed head-up in the mother’s uterus. This means the feet are pointed toward the birth canal and can complicate normal vaginal delivery a bit.

  • Placenta previa:

 It occurs when a fetus’s placenta partially or covers the mother’s cervix — the outlet for the uterus. It may cause severe bleeding during pregnancy and delivery.

  • Low birth weight:

Babies who are born with low birth weight carry an elevated risk of respiratory infections, cardiac infections, learning disabilities or problems with vision.

How can you prevent pregnancy complications?

Not all complications are preventable. Following these guidelines may help promote a healthy pregnancy and lessen the chance of high-risk pregnancy complications.

  • Attend doctor’s appointments regularly
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Quit smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Take prenatal vitamins daily
  • Try Yoga and Meditation to stay fit

In the months of pregnancy, a lot of pregnancy complications can arise, even in healthy women. Most often than not, these health complications shouldn’t deter couples from planning for a child.

While pregnant, along with doctor visits, it is important to keep an eye on vital signs as well as any complications, no matter how small or inconsequential they seem. Stick to a regimen set by your doctor and while it may not resolve all complications, it will improve your chances of having a normal delivery which of course, will ensure your bundle of joy is as healthy as it is supposed to be!

Pregnancy is an exciting time for an expecting couple, especially if it is their first child. Most couples wish to have a normal delivery as it is the safest way to have a child. But many times, a woman or the infant inside her may suffer from certain ailments that can cause complications during the pregnancy. At such times, doctors may recommend opting for surgical delivery method, which is a Caesarean delivery.

A caesarean or C-Section delivery is a surgical delivery process that is usually performed when normal vaginal delivery isn’t safe for either the mother or the child.

To start, What is a C-Section or Caesarean delivery?

When you put it across simply, a C-Section delivery, also known as Caesarean delivery is when the doctor makes a cut over the skin and on the lining of the uterus to make the delivery process a bit easier. Different types of incisions, either vertical or horizontal are done. It is a quick, often painless and effective surgical delivery method that doctors choose for women who have complicated pregnancies.

What types of C-Sections can one undergo?

During pregnancy, visits to the doctor for prenatal care need to occur frequently. In these sessions, the doctor may spot a complication for which you may need to forego the natural or normal delivery route and in its place, opt for a C-Section (Caesarean) delivery. Largely, the decision to undergo a C-Section is taken by the doctor when the actual delivery is taking place. Such intervention is called an Emergency C-Section.

But, in a few cases, the doctor may tell the expecting woman beforehand that she has to undergo a caesarean to avoid any complications that may arise if a normal delivery is attempted. Sometimes, there may not even be any complications. A woman may just want to avoid the pain that comes with labour and opt to go for a C-Section delivery instead. But of course, the decision to undertake any type of delivery surgery eventually lies with the doctor.

What C-Section is recommended for women?

Some couples may want to go for a planned C-Section, but the decision to do so lies with the doctor, who decides in the best interest of both mother and child. The few instances where a C-Section is the preferred choice include:

1) Instances of multiple births, where the women give birth to either twins or triplets. While doing so, the doctor may go for a caesarean as normal vaginal delivery can get quite complicated or tiring.

2) Instances where the expecting mother has an underlying chronic medical condition such as diabetes or hypertension, which can lead to serious problems, especially while delivering the child.

3) Some women may suffer from an infection or sexually transmitted disease such as HIV. In such cases, the yet to be born infant may also be afflicted and as such, a normal delivery may not be the safest option.

4) A C-section may also be needed in some situations, such as delivering a very large baby in a mother with a small pelvis, or if the baby is in a feet-first position.

5) Sometimes the doctor’s decision to perform a C-section is not planned, and it is performed for emergency reasons as the health of the mother, the baby, or both of them is at risk because of troubles during pregnancy or after a woman has gone into labour.

What happens after a C-Section Surgery?

Though C-sections are generally safe and help in overcoming a lot of complications during the delivery, there is always a possibility of complications arising from it. Unlike a natural vaginal delivery, the recovery time for caesarean delivery is much higher, both in hospital and afterwards. Certain complications can arise from a C-Section surgery. These include excessive bleeding, bowel injury or the chance of contracting an infection. Fortunately, serious complications from caesarean deliveries are rare.

Are there any effects on the infants?

While a C-Section surgery is done in the best interest of both the mother and the child, there are certain issues that the infant may face as an outcome of caesarean delivery. Some of these effects include:

1) Altered Gut Bacteria: This can create problems in the development of a healthy immune system in babies which makes them susceptible to illness.

2) Delayed skin-to-skin contact:  Usually after caesarean delivery, the infant is kept in an incubator. The lack of touch causes problems in the transfer of healthy bacteria from the mother’s skin to the baby, maintenance of body temperature and delayed breastfeeding initiation. Along with these physiological effects, there is also the psychological brunt of delayed parent to baby bonding.  

3) Excessive fluid accumulation: A complication that takes place during delivery that can cause obstructions in breathing for the newborn infant.

4) Non-molding of baby’s head: If your baby is born breech (buttocks or feet first) or by caesarean delivery (C-section), the head is most often round and not moulded.

5) Formation of Organs: A caesarean delivery can occur pre-term, which is, before the normal 37 week period. Due to this, the infant’s organs may not be fully formed and lead to complications post its birth.

6) Risk of asthma, obesity and delaying of developmental milestones later in life.

In today’s time, both science and medicine has evolved exponentially. So, if your doctor does suggest you to go through a C-Section delivery, there isn’t much that you need to be worried about.

If we look purely at statistics, about one-third of the deliveries worldwide are taking place via C-Section, with quite a good chunk of them being planned C-Section surgery. Of course, natural vaginal birth is always the most preferred choice, but it is always good to look at your options if complications arise. If you are still in the planning stage, it is also advisable to get yourself checked for any pregnancy-related complications, and when a woman does get pregnant, prenatal follow-ups with a doctor is a must. While the choice of delivery, either natural or surgical is best left in the hands of your doctor, there should be no reason to worry about C-Sections, as it will enable you to have a healthy delivery, and more importantly, your much-awaited offspring!