



Many of you must have experienced that typical sensation triggering a varied range of pain in the parts of your head. The pain creates inconvenience, stress, and discomfort, hampers the routine, and makes daily activities challenging. This pain in the head and face area is termed a headache. The pain may be in different parts of the head with varying duration and symptoms. Headaches are common, and some people are more prone than others. However, its frequency and associated symptoms must be monitored to prevent them from worsening to severe health conditions. 

Headaches may result from environmental changes or routine changes, like exposure to excessive noise, heat, or fast observation. Sometimes, they may be the symptom of underlying disease, as in the case of sinusitis. The cause of headaches could be different. The difference in the type of headaches must be understood to treat it effectively and timely. 

The present blog discusses sinus headaches, how they are different from other headaches and their treatment options to enable readers to make informed decisions about treating specific types of headaches effectively.

Types of Headache

The throbbing pain of headaches is known to many; its severity, symptoms, and treatment may differ depending on its type. The different types of headaches are –

  • Migraine headache is a reoccurring headache with pain on one side. It often comes with blurry vision, heightened sensitivity to light and sound, or nausea and vomiting.
  • Tension headaches are often caused by stress, tension, and anxiety with symptoms of pain, tenderness in the head, face, and neck, and sensitivity to light and/or sound.
  • Cluster headache is a severe and recurring headache, with symptoms of watery eyes, blocked nose, and swelling eyelids.
  • Hormone headache is also known as menstrual headache and is caused in women due to hormonal changes.
  • Sinus headache is caused by an infection in the sinuses.
  • Hypnic headache usually occurs in old age with no specific cause identified.
  • Rebound headache is a secondary type of headache caused by overuse of medications. It may subside with medication but reoccurs.

What is a sinus headache?

A sinus headache is caused when the sinuses get inflamed and blocked due to infection and cannot drain the mucus from the nasal passage. The resultant pressure in the sinuses causes pain in the head. A sinus is a space inside the forehead, cheeks, and behind the nose. The space is filled with air, which helps drain the mucus, keeping the nasal passage clear from bacteria and other types of infection. The condition of infection and inflammation in the tissue lining of the sinuses is known as sinusitis. Sinusitis is caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens, or fungi infection. 

How is sinus headache different from other types of headaches?

Headaches due to sinuses are often mistaken for other types of headaches like migraine, tension headaches, and hypnic headaches, to name a few. However, the cause, symptoms, severity, and duration of the headache help determine the type of headache.

  • Sinus headaches and migraines are often confused due to shared symptoms like watery eyes, pressure on the face, congestion, pain while bending forward, or runny nose. Migraine causes pain on one side of the temple, eyes, and back of the forehead. It is associated with sensitivity to loud noise, bright lights, nausea, and vomiting. The pain lasts for hours or a day or two.
  • Similarly, tension headaches caused by stress, fatigue, anxiety, and exposure to sound last for a few hours. The pain is felt in the entire head and is mild or moderate. It affects the back of the head, the neck, and both sides.
  • The rebound headache caused by overuse of medications is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, restlessness, loss of memory, and irritability. Pain-relieving medications help relieve the pain for the time being, and the headache rebounds when its effect is gone. The overuse of pain relievers triggers headaches.
  • On the other hand, a sinus headache caused by infection is followed by fever. It causes thick discoloration of mucus discharge, cough, pain in the cheeks and teeth, or loss or decrease in sense of smell. It lasts for days or weeks, depending on the type of sinusitis.

How to treat a sinus headache?

The treatment options for each type of headache are different and unique. One must avoid trying to treat one type of headache with the treatment option of the other and prevent its worsening.

Sinus headaches must be treated with an effective diagnosis of the underlying causes and symptoms through allergy tests, X-rays or CT scans. Risk factors like allergies, colds, exposure to smoking, weakened immune system, and structural nasal deformity need to be understood and addressed. The treatment starts with home remedies to relieve the pain, which include nasal sprays, steam inhalation or use of vaporizers, and the application of warm compressors to relieve swelling or pain in the affected areas. 

Medications like antihistamines that prevent allergies, decongestants for reducing swelling, steroids for reducing inflammation, and pain medicines for pain relief help control the pain and discomfort of sinus headaches.

Generally, sinuses go on their own or with the help of medications. Still, in cases of severe and long-lasting symptoms of sinusitis, the doctor may recommend sinus surgery.

  • FESS- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery- FESS is a simple and standard surgical treatment option for unhealthy sinuses. The surgery involves widening the nasal passages between the nose and the sinuses to remove the infected bone or tissues obstructing the drainage of the mucus. 
  • Balloon Sinus Ostial Dilation- Balloon sinuplasty drains the mucus and relieves the patient of sinus symptoms using a balloon placed at the tip of the flexible catheter. When the catheter reaches the correct position, the balloon is inflated to open and widen the sinus cavities, and the mucus gets flushed out. The procedure does not require incisions as it is done through the nostrils.
  • Turbinate Reduction- During turbinate (a small bony structure inside the nose) surgery, the surgeon reduces the turbinate size with a needle-like instrument inserted inside the nose. 


Sinus headaches are signs of sinus infection. They differ from other types of headaches regarding their causes, symptoms, severity, and duration. These headaches could be challenging and affect the patient’s quality of life. Most cases, the­­­ symptoms may go away with home remedies or medications. Still, in severe cases, surgical intervention might be needed. Never take frequent headaches lightly, for they may develop into worsening conditions. Timely medical attention and assessment are necessary for effectively treating sinus headaches.


Sinusitis is common, treatable and preventable, provided its causes and symptoms are not taken lightly but addressed promptly and on time. As per the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), sinusitis affects Indians significantly. Nearly 134 million suffer from this condition, and one out of eight Indians is infected by chronic sinusitis. The condition has more prevalence than asthma, diabetes, and coronary artery disease among Indians. The condition demands proper treatment or could aggravate severe complications that could be dangerous to the patient’s health. 

This blog discusses sinusitis, a common condition that must not be overlooked, as the various potential complications it carries if left untreated could be severe and life-threatening.

Sinuses and Sinusitis

Sinuses are cavities in the nasal passage with mucus lining that helps keep the passage moist and lubricated. Healthy sinuses are air-filled without any bacterial or pathogen presence. Sinuses are behind the cheeks, forehead, eyes, and nasal bones. They act as air filters and humidifiers, help enhance voice resonance, and reduce the head’s weight.

Sinusitis is a condition of inflamed sinuses. When the air in the sinuses gets infected with bacteria, viruses, or pathogens, they get inflamed and blocked with mucus, causing difficulty in breathing. It has symptoms similar to the common cold and is often confused with the latter. Though the condition is non-communicable, the infection-causing bacteria or viruses may pass from person to person.

Sinusitis symptoms – The condition causes headaches, facial pain and pressure, stuffy nose, sneezing, eye and nose itchiness, and breathing difficulties. Some other sinusitis symptoms are bad breath, loss of smell and taste, running nose, fever, cough, sore throat, and fatigue.

Causes of sinusitis- Sinusitis could affect anyone at any time. However, people with allergies, bronchitis, asthma, weakened immune systems, nasal polyps or nasal deformity, smokers, and second-hand smokers are more prone to developing sinusitis.

Types of sinuses- The four major types of sinuses are-

  • Maxillary sinuses – on each side of the nose, next to the cheekbones (the maxillae), and below the eyes.
  • Frontal sinuses – close to the forehead and above the eyes.
  • Ethmoid sinuses – close to the eyes on each side of the nasal bridge. 
  • Sphenoid sinuses – deeper within your skull, behind the eyes.

Need for Sinusitis Treatment

Sinusitis is a common condition affecting your sinuses with inflammation. Still, it requires adequate and appropriate treatment to prevent its aggravation. It is not just an allergic condition. 

It is more than an occasionally irritating condition requiring just a few doses of medication and rest.

The treatment for the condition starts with self-care, medications, and alternative treatment modalities. If these do not help treat the condition, medical procedures drain the fluid from the nasal passage.

If treated appropriately, one can be relieved of sinusitis symptoms for good, but if not, the condition can worsen and may cause severe health issues. 

Potential Sinusitis Complications from Untreated or Poorly Treated Sinusitis

One must watch for the potential sinusitis complications that may arise in the long term if the condition is left untreated or improperly treated. These complications can adversely affect the overall health of an individual. 

The various complications associated with chronic sinusitis are-

  • Loss of smell and taste- The loss of smell renders an individual unable to enjoy food and other finer things in fine, be it food, natural fragrance of flora, or scents. The loss of smell could be partial, called hyposmia, or complete, known as anosmia. The loss of taste makes food taste bland, causing patients to add more salt and other spices that might lead to problems like high blood pressure and gastrointestinal or kidney issues in the long run. Patients often lose interest in eating food, leading to weight loss, nutritional deficiency, depression, and other health problems.
  • Infection to other body parts- Though sinusitis is not contagious, the bacteria and viruses that cause the condition can, if not treated, spread to other parts of the body like the eyes, ears, skin, or the brain. The spread of the infection may damage the functionality of the affected part.
  • Mucocele- Known as paranasal sinus mucocele, it is a cyst that gets formed when the sinuses cannot drain the mucus. The hardened mass of cysts may grow in size and exert pressure on the nose and sinuses, leading to difficulty in breathing. Infection in this mucocele may need an operation for its removal.
  • Meningitis- Meningitis is the inflammation or infection of the membrane or fluid surrounding the brain or spinal cord. The membrane is a protective layer of the brain and spinal cord. Untreated sinusitis could spread infection in the fluid or membrane surrounding the brain, bones, or spinal cord, leading to meningitis, a severe and life-threatening condition.
  • Sinus thrombosis- Cavernous sinus thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot in the cavernous sinuses. Cavernous sinuses are cavities under the brain and behind the eye sockets. The blood clot may develop due to infection in the face or skull. Blood clots prevent the spread of infection, but when the clot is in cavernous sinuses, it restricts the blood flow from the brain, creating pressure and damaging the brain, eyes, and other nerves. It could turn fatal without immediate treatment.
  • Orbital cellulitis- Infection of the soft tissue of the eye socket behind the orbital septum is known as orbital cellulitis. The orbital septum is a thin tissue that separates the eyelid and the eye socket. Sinusitis can spread infection in the eyes, causing eye irritation, swelling, puffiness, redness, and even vision loss in the long run without adequate treatment.


It is unwise to consider sinusitis a common and less harmful condition and ignore its treatment. Untreated conditions can be potentially dangerous, with severe complications that may adversely affect the individual’s health beyond repair. The potential risk to overall health could be chronic and life-threatening. Ensure your sinus health through hygiene, adequate hydration, and avoiding exposure to sinus irritants. Consult your doctor immediately if you have sinusitis symptoms and get the treatment without any delay. 


Say No to Myths

Separating facts from fiction is the first step towards creating awareness about any disease for advancing its prevention, timely diagnosis, and treatment. Myths, as misconceived, misinformed, false, or misleading information about any medical condition, are barriers to achieving the much-needed medical intervention and controlling the spread of diseases. Debunking such myths helps-

  • Promote awareness and correct information and knowledge about diseases and
  • Curtail the aggravation of the condition and prolongation of the associated discomfort, pain, and agony arising through proper and timely treatment.

This blog discusses a common disease of sinus inflammation, known as Sinusitis and some of the sinus misconceptions that need to be debunked.

Understanding Sinus Health

Sinusitis is a condition of inflammation of the tissue lining in the sinus (cavities or spaces in the forehead, nose, and cheeks that are filled with air). Common colds, virus or bacterial infections, fungi, or allergies cause blockage in the sinuses that get filled with fluid. The pressure of these blocked fluids causes pain in the forehead, face, and nasal congestion.

  • Types of sinus infection- Depending on the duration and severity of the infection, it may be Acute (lasts for four weeks or less), Subacute (lasts between four to twelve weeks), Chronic (lasts for a minimum of twelve weeks), or Recurrent (comes and goes four times a year and lasts for less than two weeks each time).
  • Symptoms – Some common symptoms are stuffy or runny nose, toothache, pressure or pain on the face, cough, fever, headache, or fatigue.
  • Risk factors- People with allergies, asthma, polyps, nasal structural deformity, and weak immune systems are at a higher risk of having this infection.
  • Treatment- The treatment and medication (decongestants, pain relievers, intranasal steroids) depend on the type of sinus infection. However, home remedies (humidifiers or vaporizers, steam inhalation, saline nasal spray, warm compress application, or plenty of fluid intake) are the first preference for treating sinusitis. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended.

Sinus surgery treats the disease, relieving symptoms, and related discomfort by removing the blockages and opening the air pathway. The surgery removes nasal polyps, tiny bones, diseased tissue, or tumor growth, blocking the nasal passage. The surgeries to treat sinusitis are-

  • Functional Endoscopy Sinus Surgery (FESS): Using an endoscope, an otolaryngologist examines the inside of the nose and sinuses and accordingly conducts the surgery to remove the polyp, bone, or tissue obstructing the drainage of the mucus.
  • Sinus Balloon Dilation Procedure: This minimally invasive procedure uses an endoscope and a catheter to guide a balloon to the site of nasal blockage. The balloon at the tip of the catheter is inflated, opening the blocked nasal passage.
  • Turbinate Reduction Surgery: Turbinate is a tiny structure in the nose that cleanses the air passing through the nostrils. The surgery reduces the size of the turbinate using a needle-like instrument, thus making space in the nasal passage.

Myths and Facts

The treatment for sinusitis requires awareness of the condition, including but not limited to the causes, symptoms, risks, types, different treatment options, post-operative care, and recovery. Any misconception or misinformation about the condition may hamper its timely treatment and aggravate it. To this end, one must not buy into any myths surrounding the disease. Some of the common myths relating to the disease are-

Myth- Sinusitis is contagious.
Fact- It is not contagious. It is not a communicable disease, but if one gets a viral infection, it can lead to sinusitis.

Myth- Antibiotic is a must for sinusitis.
Fact- Every type of sinus infection does not require an antibiotic. The need for an antibiotic depends on the severity and duration of the condition. Generally, it can be managed by home remedies, rest, nasal spray, or pain medication. Antibiotics are prescribed if the condition does not improve for a week or more.

Myth- Sinusitis can resolve on its own.
Fact- Though a common condition like a common cold, sinusitis requires proper treatment and attention through home remedial measures, medications, and, in chronic or recurrent cases, when these do not work, through surgery.

Myth- Green or yellow mucus is a sign of bacterial infection.
Fact- Green or yellow mucus may be due to the death of infection-fighting white blood cells. It is not the colour but the duration of this mucus drainage that indicates whether it is a sinus or bacterial infection.

Myth- Headaches in the sinus areas are caused by sinus infection.
Fact- Sinus headaches may result from common colds, migraines, allergies, or other neurological conditions.

Myth- Decongestant spray cures breathing problems.
Fact- Decongestant spray temporarily relieves stuffy nose but does not permanently cure breathing. Long-term use of these sprays adversely affects the heart and may lead to other health problems.


Sinusitis, though a common health problem, needs proper attention and care to avoid its aggravation and further complications. It can be managed with home remedies, medications, and, in severe cases, through surgery. Stay away from misleading information and avoid basing your medical decision on myths. It is always wise to stay informed, aware, and updated with the correct information and knowledge about one’s health and related treatment therapies. The right information empowers the right decision.


That constant battle with a stuffy nose, throbbing headache, and facial pain resulting from a sinus infection is exhausting! Sinus infections, or sinusitis, can turn even the brightest day into a foggy nightmare. But fear not! In this article, we will delve into sinus infections and uncover the warning signs and symptoms that should raise your alarm bells.

What is a Sinus Infection?

A sinus infection occurs when the sinuses, the air-filled cavities in the skull, become inflamed and infected. Multiple factors, including allergies, viral or bacterial infections, and structural abnormalities in the nasal passages, can cause this infection. The symptoms may include facial pain and pressure, nasal congestion, thick nasal discharge, headache, fatigue, and cough.

When Should You Seek Medical Help for Sinus Infection? 

While mild sinus infections can often be managed at home with over-the-counter remedies, there are certain situations where it is vital to consult a doctor. If symptoms persist for multiple days, worsen after initial improvement, or are accompanied by high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness, or vision changes, it is crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible. A doctor’s evaluation can help determine the severity, type, and appropriate treatment for the sinus infection.

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Complications  

In some cases, a severe sinus infection might lead to complications that require immediate medical attention. These complications may include spreading the infection to nearby structures, such as the eyes or brain. Warning signs and symptoms of complications include severe headache, worsening facial pain, swelling around the eyes, double vision, confusion, and high fever.

What to Expect During a Doctor’s Visit 

During a doctor’s visit for a sinus infection, the healthcare provider will typically start by conducting a physical examination. This examination may involve checking for tenderness over the sinuses and examining the nasal passages. In some cases, additional diagnostic tests and procedures, such as imaging studies or nasal endoscopy, may be recommended to confirm the diagnosis and identify the underlying cause of the infection. After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will discuss the appropriate treatment options.

Coping with Sinus Infection 

In addition to medical treatment, multiple self-care and preventative measures can help manage sinus infections and reduce the risk of future episodes. To manage symptoms at home, individuals can use saline nasal rinses or sprays to keep the nasal passages moist, apply warm compresses to the face to relieve pain and pressure, and stay hydrated. Strategies for preventing future sinus infections include avoiding known allergens, practising good hand hygiene, and quitting smoking.
While self-care measures can be effective in many cases, knowing when to seek medical attention is crucial. If symptoms persist or recur despite home remedies, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Ongoing symptoms may indicate the need for further evaluation or a change in treatment approach. Recurrent sinus infections may require a more thorough investigation to identify underlying factors contributing to the repeated infections.


Sinus infections can significantly impact one’s quality of life, but recognising the warning signs and symptoms can help prompt timely medical attention. Seeking a doctor’s evaluation is crucial when symptoms persist, worsen, or are accompanied by signs of complications. By understanding when to see a doctor and how to manage sinus infections, individuals can effectively address the condition and minimise its impact on their well-being. Remember, early intervention and appropriate treatment can lead to a faster recovery and a healthier future.


Q: What are the symptoms of a sinus infection?
Common symptoms of a sinus infection include facial pain and pressure, nasal congestion, thick nasal discharge (often yellow or green), headache, fatigue, and cough. Some people may also experience a reduced sense of smell or taste.

Q: How long should I wait before seeing a doctor for a sinus infection?
If your symptoms persist for more than 10 days, worsen after initial improvement, or are accompanied by high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness, or changes in vision, it is recommended to see a doctor promptly. These signs may indicate a more severe infection or potential complications.

Q: How can I manage a sinus infection at home?
While medical treatment is often necessary for sinus infections, there are some self-care measures you can try at home to alleviate symptoms. These include using saline nasal rinses or sprays to keep the nasal passages moist, applying warm compresses to the face to relieve pain and pressure, staying hydrated, and getting plenty of rest.


Sinusitis – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses affecting the nose and occasionally the face, throat, and ears. Sinuses are hollow spaces in the skull behind the forehead, eyes, cheeks, and nasal passages. These sinuses get blocked and filled with fluid due to cold or allergies, resulting in inflammation. Sinuses are cavities in the skull, while sinusitis is a condition of inflamed sinuses.

How important are sinuses?

Sinuses play a key role in protecting the body against illness and taking care of our wellness. Sinuses, the hollow spaces filled with air, lighten the head’s overall weight. They also warm and humidify the air we inhale. Sinuses help enhance one’s voice quality and speech resonance. In an accident, the sinuses absorb the impact and protect the other facial structures. Sinuses also help drain nasal mucus that protects the nasal passage and keeps unwanted particles like dust and pollutants from entering the body. Healthy sinuses are empty except with a thin layer of mucus which continuously drains the germs, dust, and dirt out, keeping the nose clean and free from bacteria, as already mentioned above.

The four pairs of sinuses are-

Maxillary sinuses: Maxillary are the largest sinuses. They are positioned behind the cheekbones near the upper jaws.

Frontal sinuses: The frontal sinuses are divided into left and right frontal sinuses. The two sinuses are located at the centre of the forehead above each eye.

Sphenoid sinuses: Sphenoid sinuses are situated behind the eyes, near your optic nerve and pituitary gland.

Ethmoid sinuses: The Ethmoid sinuses are a collection of six to twelve small air pockets between the eyes and nasal bridge. 

One develops sinusitis when the tissue lining the sinuses get inflamed or swollen. Sinusitis can also be caused by viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. 

Symptoms of sinusitis

Sinusitis and common cold have similar symptoms, some of which may include the following-

Partial or total loss of smell called Anosmia

Fever, also known as Hyperthermia or pyrexia

Nasal congestion, which causes a stuffy or runny nose

Headache due to sinus

Cough or sore throat


As mentioned above, many sinusitis symptoms are similar to the common cold. But the main difference is that the symptoms of sinusitis tend to be more severe, last longer, and often include pain in the face and forehead. Sinusitis symptoms range from nasal congestion and facial pain to severe headaches and tooth pain.

Types of sinusitis

Depending on the severity and duration of the symptoms, sinusitis is grouped as –

Acute – Acute sinusitis, also known as Rhinosinusitis, where rhino means ‘the nose’ is the most common one with the shortest duration. The symptoms could remain for four weeks or less. Viral infections due to cold and seasonal allergies can cause symptoms that last up to ten days.

Subacute – In the case of Subacute sinusitis, the symptoms may last up to 12 weeks. Seasonal allergies or bacterial infections cause this type of sinusitis.

Recurrent acute – As the name suggests, there would be a reoccurrence of acute sinusitis at least four times in a year.

Chronic- Chronic sinusitis is when the symptoms last for at least 12 weeks.

Possible Contributors of Sinusitis

Anyone can develop sinusitis. Excessive mucus may get formed due to cold, bacteria, or allegories that gradually allow the bacteria and germs to grow in the sinuses, leading to infection. However, apart from cold, allergies, and viral or bacterial infection, other possible factors that may contribute to the development of sinus infection are-

  • Weakened immune system
  • Dental infection
  • Smoking and Tobacco
  • Structural issues with the nose like, nasal bone growth, uneven wall of tissue between the two nostrils (nasal septum)
  • Nasal polyps
  • Cystic fibrosis, a condition where thick and sticky mucus gets buildup in the lungs, intestine, and liver, which causes damage to the respiratory and digestive systems.
  • Exposure to mold, pollen, dirt, etc.

Treatment of Sinusitis

Sinusitis is curable and treatable in most cases without consulting a doctor and antibiotics. But if the symptoms of sinusitis persist for a long, it is advisable to see your doctor and follow his advice and medications. The doctor would diagnose sinus infection based on the symptoms and the physical exam. In case of chronic sinusitis, the doctor may recommend imaging tests like X-ray, CT scan or MRI. Blood tests, nasal endoscopy, and allergy tests are a few other tests that may be needed to diagnose the severity of the infection.

In many cases, home remedies or over-the-counter (OTC) pain relieving medicines would help treat headaches or pressure in the forehead or cheeks. The doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy to block any sinuses’ growth in cases of bacterial infection. In cases of chronic symptoms that do not improve or heal with medication, sinus surgery would be an option to clear sinuses, treat structural deformity related to the nose or remove polyps. The types of sinus surgery are-

  • Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)– In FESS, with the help of a magnifying endoscope, the surgeon views and removes the infected tissue or bone. With a small incision inside the nose, an endoscope equipped with a camera and light is inserted to help reduce the blockage and drainage of sinuses.
  • Turbinate Reduction Surgery – This surgery uses radio frequency to reduce the swelling of the turbinates (tiny structures in the nose that cleanse the air passing through the nostrils). A needle-like instrument is inserted into the swollen tissue to control the damage. The turbinates gradually heal and reduce in size allowing proper and easy breathing.

Sinus Ostial Dilation Surgery– In this type of surgery, with the help of a balloon catheter inserted into the blocked sinus passage, the balloon is inflated and a saline solution is injected to flush out the mucus.

Health-promoting lifestyle is one of the ways to prevent inflammation. This includes a healthy and nutritious diet, exercise, limiting exposure to allergens and irritants, maintaining good hygiene, and avoiding contact with infected people.

Knowing the causes and symptoms of sinusitis help in treating the inflammation timely and preventing the recurrence of the same in the future.