
Knee Replacement


Knee replacement surgery is a standard procedure to relieve pain and improve the function of a damaged knee joint. The surgery involves replacing the damaged or worn-out parts of the knee with artificial components. While knee replacement surgery can be life-changing, it is necessary to understand what to expect during recovery and how to manage your life after the procedure.
The First Few Weeks After Surgery:
During the initial few weeks after knee replacement surgery, you will need crutches or a walker to help you move around. It is equally necessary to keep your incision clean and dry and attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon.
Managing Pain and Discomfort:
Pain and discomfort are common after partial or total knee arthroplasty. However, the same can be managed in ways advised by your doctor. Your doctor will prescribe you pain-relieving medication to help reduce pain and swelling. Ice application to your knee several times a day can also help reduce swelling. 
Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy:
Rehabilitation and physical therapy are essential for a successful recovery after partial or total knee replacement. You regain strength and mobility in your knee, reduce the risk of complications, and improve your overall quality of life with physical therapy. Your physical therapist will help you develop a customized rehabilitation plan that includes exercises to improve your range of motion, strength, and balance. These exercises may include:
● Stretching and strengthening exercises for your knee, leg, and hip muscles.
● Balance exercises to improve your stability and coordination.
● Weight-bearing exercises to help you gradually resume normal activities.
● Gait training improves your walking pattern and reduces the risk of falls.
Following your physical therapist’s rehabilitation plan and attending all scheduled therapy sessions is important to ensure the best possible outcome after knee replacement surgery.
Returning to Normal Activities:
The recovery process after knee replacement surgery can take several months, and the length of time you will need to avoid certain activities will depend on the surgery and the speed of your recovery. However, most people can return to normal activities, such as driving, shopping, and light housework, within 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure. More strenuous activities, such as running and jumping, should be avoided for at least 6 to 12 months after knee replacement surgery. Following your surgeon’s guidelines is essential to return to normal activities and not to rush the recovery process. Your physical therapist can help you determine when it is safe to resume these activities.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle:
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital for a successful recovery after knee replacement surgery. Eating a healthy diet, getting enough rest, and avoiding activities that put excessive stress on your knee can help you recover faster and reduce the risk of complications. Staying active and participating in physical therapy can also help you regain strength and mobility in your knee.
Knee replacement surgery can be life-changing, and the recovery process can be challenging. Still, with the proper support and rehabilitation, you can regain strength and mobility and enjoy a pain-free life. For any queries about recovery after knee replacement surgery, speak with your surgeon or physical therapist. They can provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
FAQs : 

What is the recovery period after knee replacement surgery?
The recovery period for every patient after knee replacement surgery will be different. Still, most people can resume normal activities within 4 to 6 weeks. More strenuous activities, such as running and jumping, should be avoided for at least 6 to 12 months. Your recovery time will depend on the extent of your surgery and the speed of your recovery.
Is physical therapy needed after knee replacement surgery?
Yes, physical therapy is a crucial part of the recovery process after knee replacement surgery to regain strength and mobility in your knee, reduce the risk of complications, and improve your overall quality of life.
How can I manage pain and swelling after knee replacement surgery?
Pain and swelling are common after knee replacement surgery, but there are several things you can do to manage them. The doctor prescribed pain-relieving medication that can help reduce pain and swelling. Ice application several times a day is also recommended to reduce swelling. 
How can I maintain a healthy lifestyle after knee replacement surgery?
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for a successful recovery after knee replacement surgery. Eating a healthy diet, getting enough rest, and avoiding activities that put excessive stress on your knee can help you recover faster and reduce the risk of complications. Staying active and participating in physical therapy can also help you regain strength and mobility in your knee.
Can one resume everyday life after knee replacement?
Yes, most people can live an everyday life after knee replacement surgery. After recovery, many people can resume normal activities, such as driving, shopping, and light housework. However, some restrictions may apply, such as avoiding more strenuous activities like running and jumping, for at least 6 to 12 months after the surgery. The extent of your everyday life after surgery will depend on your recovery and rehabilitation success.

What are the don’ts after knee replacement?
After knee replacement, avoiding activities that stress your knee, such as running and jumping, is essential. Your surgeon or physical therapist will provide specific guidelines on what activities to avoid. You should follow their advice to ensure the best possible outcome after surgery.
What is the commonly experienced problem after knee replacement surgery?
The commonly experienced problem after knee replacement surgery is pain and stiffness in the knee, which is normal. But it can be managed with physical therapy, pain medication, and other treatments. If you experience persistent pain or other symptoms after surgery, speak with your surgeon.
References : 

What is septic arthritis? 

Septic arthritis is a severe infection of joint tissues and fluid caused by germs that may reach the joint from other parts of the body. Such germs travel through the bloodstream. Deep wounds caused at the joints, such as by animal bites, also cause germs to infect them directly. This infection should be treated as soon as it is identified because full recovery is possible. Septic arthritis can be excruciating, progresses rapidly, and can lead to long-term damage to the cartilage and bone of the joint. 

Any joint of the body can be affected by septic arthritis, though more than one is rare. Most commonly, the joints affected by septic arthritis are the knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and finger. 

Septic arthritis causes 

You are prone to septic arthritis if your joints get infected by germs and bacteria. Staphylococcus Aureus is the most common bacteria that causes this condition, found even on healthy skin. Besides bacterial infections, septic arthritis can also be caused by viruses or fungi. This condition is also sometimes known as bacterial or infectious arthritis.

This septic arthritis causes of infection can be from:

  • Injury or accident that breaks the skin, like a dog bite, a foreign object going through the skin
  • Complications from a joint surgery
  • Infected wound
  • An open fracture
  • Skin infection or a urinary tract infection spreading to the joints

 You are also at risk of developing septic arthritis if:

  • You have had joint problems like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
  • You have an artificial joint from a knee or hip replacement surgery
  • You have fragile skin caused by issues like eczema and psoriasis
  • You regularly inject yourself with medication causing skin punctures, or inject drugs like heroin.
  • You have a weak immune system caused by HIV, kidney disease, or cancer
  • You have a sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhoea

Other issues that may put you at risk of developing this condition are if you have diabetes, HIV, substance use disorder like alcoholism, are in your late adulthood, or have had septic arthritis before. There are far more severe complications that can be caused by septic arthritis, like an infection of the bone (osteomyelitis), bone death because of poor blood supply (osteonecrosis), limb length discrepancy, sepsis (blood poisoning), chronic pain, and even death. 

Septic arthritis symptoms

Septic arthritis symptoms will manifest differently for different people. Children will express discomfort immediately. They may be irritable or cry if a joint is affected. They may even avoid using the affected joint or halt their usual activity. Besides the symptoms listed below, they may also experience headaches, vomiting, or a sore throat. If parents see a difference in normal behaviour and activity, they should take their child to a doctor.

Commonly found septic arthritis symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Swelling of the affected joint
  • Pain at the site of infection, which can be severe
  • Loss of appetite and feeling sickly
  • The site of infection is red and hot to touch
  • Inability to move the joint freely or put weight on it

Septic arthritis diagnosis

If you or your child experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, you must seek help from a medical professional. Early diagnosis can prevent much damage from septic arthritis. This condition can lead to blood poisoning if ignored or left untreated. Some essential diagnostic tools can ensure whether the patient has septic arthritis or whether some other serious condition is causing discomfort. They are:

  • Taking down the medical and general health history of the patient.
  • Knowing what the symptoms are and how long they have been present.
  • Draining fluid from the affected joint to analyse what kind of microorganism has caused the infection, the presence of white blood cells, according to which medicines will be given.
  • Blood tests to detect the presence of a bacterial infection.
  • Testing spinal fluid, urine, and phlegm to detect bacteria.
  • Imaging tests like X-rays and MRI to identify how much damage has been caused to the joint and how much it is inflamed.

Septic arthritis treatment

After a diagnosis of septic arthritis is made, there is a possibility of hospitalisation for about two weeks. During this time, you will be given antibiotics through an IV. Antibiotics work fast and can better the symptoms in about 48 hours. For septic arthritis caused by fungi, the doctor will prescribe fungal medication. You will be given medicines for the pain and fever too. The doctor will remove the infected fluid or even pus, if there is any, from the affected joint using a syringe. 

Other ways to do this are with a tube or open surgery if the septic arthritis infection is deep in the joint. You may have multiple fluid removal sessions for the infection to dissipate completely. After being discharged from the hospital, you will be asked to take antibiotics for several weeks. Physical therapy will be recommended to keep your muscles and joints functioning as before the septic arthritis infection. 

You will also be given a splint on the joint to reduce pain. For people who experienced septic arthritis, because their artificial joint got infected, the joint will be removed. The joint will be replaced after the infection goes away.

Final note

We must emphasise that septic arthritis is a major health emergency otherwise; there is a strong chance of irreversible damage. If septic arthritis is detected and treated in time, there will be complete recovery, and there will be little to no lasting after-effects of the condition. When symptoms ease after treatment, you can partake in physiotherapy to keep your muscles, and the joints used to the movement. If you do not do this, you may experience joint stiffness and be unable to use the joint fully. 

Knee replacement surgery is a common and effective way to restore mobility and relieve pain in patients with degenerative arthritis of the knee. In most cases, knee replacement surgery is successful and produces excellent results. The procedure restores much of the original functionality of your knee joint while also addressing any underlying causes of pain and disability. However, the very idea of having to undergo surgery creates stress and anxiety in many people, especially the elderly, which is quite normal and understandable. In such an event, immediate family members and caregivers need to step in and do what it takes to prepare them for the upcoming surgery. 

What is a knee replacement?

A knee replacement is a procedure in which a surgeon replaces your knee joint with an artificial joint. The artificial joint is made of a metal and plastic component that is surgically implanted. Knee replacement surgery treats people who have advanced osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Knee replacement surgery restores function to the knee joint. You may notice an increased range of motion and decreased pain after knee replacement surgery. 

How to Prepare Seniors for Knee Replacement Surgery

Preparing our elderly folks for surgery is one big factor in the success of the surgery. The surgery’s run-up is critical to success, healing, and recovery. Knee replacement surgery is a major procedure that can significantly improve mobility and reduce pain for elderly individuals with severe knee damage or degeneration. Preparing for knee replacement surgery can be a challenging process, especially for elderly individuals who may have additional health concerns or mobility issues. 

The role of caretakers includes:

  • Taking care of the patient’s emotional health.
  • Sharing success stories of other patients to boost their morale.
  • Ensuring their good health and diet before surgery.
  • Providing moral support.
  • Creating an environment of acceptance and readiness to help them come through successfully.

Here are some steps you can take to help prepare your elderly loved one for knee replacement surgery:

  • Help them understand the surgery: Make sure they understand the surgery well and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. Of course, the surgeon and their team will brief the patient and their immediate family about the surgical procedure, what it entails and the outcome, and all the nitty-gritty. However, as a caregiver, it is your responsibility to try and comprehend the medical implications of this surgery and pass on the net positive information to the patient. This hand-holding will also reduce the fear, stress, and nervousness that come before undergoing a surgical procedure. 
  •  Follow the surgeon’s instructions: The surgeon will provide specific instructions on preparing for the surgery, such as fasting for a certain period before the procedure. It’s also important for the elderly to follow their surgeon’s instructions and attend any pre-surgery appointments or educational sessions. By preparing in advance and working closely with their healthcare team, they can increase their chances of a successful surgery and recovery.
  • Discuss medications and allergies: Make sure to inform the surgeon and anesthesiologist about any medications your loved one is currently taking and any allergies they may have.
  • Do Your Research: Additionally, reading up on doctor-backed articles and information about the procedure for the layperson is helpful. Do make sure all doubts and questions are addressed before the surgery. Constant reassurance to your elderly loved one that you will be there before, during, and after the surgery. 
  • Attend pre-surgery tasks and appointments: Your loved one must attend all pre-surgery appointments with their surgeon and anesthesiologist to discuss the procedure and any potential risks or complications. Help them gather necessary medical documents or reports, fill out paperwork, and arrange transportation to and from the hospital.
  • Prepare the home: Consider making any necessary adjustments to the home to make it easier for your loved one to move around after the surgery and make the recovery process more manageable. This may include installing handrails, removing tripping hazards, and ensuring all necessary items are within easy reach. This assures them that their needs and comfort are taken care of and acts as a morale booster.
  • Help them get in shape: Encourage them to engage in gentle exercises to strengthen their muscles and improve their overall physical condition before surgery.
  • Make arrangements for aftercare and recovery plan in place: Assure your elderly loved ones that post-surgery, there will be someone to help them with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and arrange for their healthy meals, balanced diet, medications, and other routine needs.
  • Keep Expectations Realistic: Any knee surgery has its set of ups and downs in terms of absolutely no 100 percent guarantee despite both physical and mental preparations. The patient’s anxiety cannot be fathomed. It is in our hands how we handle questions around the tenure of recovery, the physical limitations during the recovery process, and what recovery and rehabilitation look like. 
  • Be Prepared About The Risks: Both the patient and the caregiver must be ready and prepared for the risks of such surgeries. They include infection around the surgical site, damage to blood vessels that can lead to gangrene or even limb amputation, breathing trouble due to anaesthesia, damage to nerves, or metal allergies from the metals used in the artificial joints. 
  • Keep their spirits up: Surgery can be stressful, so it’s important to offer emotional support and encouragement to help them stay positive and focused. They will feel irritable and anxious because of their immobility. They will feel tremendous helplessness due to their dependence on others. There will be bouts of low self-esteem and lack of confidence as well. Offer emotional support and reassurance to help them feel more comfortable and at ease.

Knee replacement surgery is a common and effective way to restore mobility and relieve pain in knee osteoarthritis patients. Many people dread getting a new knee, while others may have reservations. However, helping elderly patients know what knee replacement surgery entails and preparing them for it can make the process less stressful with their positive acceptance and mindset. 

What should I not do before knee replacement surgery?

 Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent surgical blood loss. 

How long does it take a 70-year-old to recover from knee surgery?

– It takes about 3-6 months for a full recovery.

How long do you need someone with you after knee replacement surgery?

 Post-operation, a patient needs a caregiver for 2-3 weeks for support and exercise assistance till they gain confidence and independence from pain.

What do you need at home after knee surgery?

Lots of care and support besides good nutrition, timely medications, and exercise assistance.

Common Joint Replacement Myths Busted!

Per the latest statistics published by the Indian Society of Hip and Knee Surgeries Registry, a total of 10,407 hip replacements and 129,371 knee replacements were reported from October 2006 to March 2017 by 150 surgeons.  The demand for joint replacement surgery is on the rise. These surgeries have become more and more common because they offer a quick fix to ailing joints. However, people in line for a  joint replacement surgery often continue to assume a lot about the procedure around pain, medication, recovery and recuperation. Typically, the surgeon will help navigate through the number of questions and doubts the patient may have. Here are some common joint replacement myths that you can quickly fact-check with the help of this article:

Myth – Joint replacement surgery is not permanent.

Fact – In general, many people are afraid of getting knee replacement surgery. They think they have to lie in bed for an extended period after the surgery, which is painful. After surgery, one feels it will hamper day-to-day activities such as walking, running, stair climbing etc. 

These are all misconceptions!

Total knee surgery is a boon for the patient suffering from Osteoarthritis. It improves the quality of life as one gets relief from knee pain and sees a significant improvement in mobility. Knee replacement surgery is one of the most common bone and joint surgeries. 

Knee replacement requires a stay in a hospital. Procedures may vary depending on your condition and your doctor’s practices.

With modern technology, the patient should do activities daily after surgery. One can go walking, can go to washrooms etc. The faster one does it, the better the recovery will be. 

Yes, initially, there will be a little bit of pain, but you can overcome that with time and with the help of a pain management/Physio person.

Myth – You’ll only need physical therapy after joint replacement surgery

Fact – This is another myth that people tend to believe. But, in reality, physical therapy is often recommended for several weeks after joint replacement surgery. For example, knee joint replacement patients are often advised to do static and dynamic stretching exercises for at least two weeks after the surgery is completed. This is because the muscles around the knee need time to heal and get stronger again. Once the muscles have been stretched and strengthened, you can start doing more active exercises like running. Many hip joint replacement patients are also advised to do simple exercises like walking and swimming for a few weeks after the surgery is over. The hip joint is the largest joint in the body. And it’s surrounded by muscles that can be very weak after joint replacement surgery. Therefore, you’ll want to do some simple, gentle exercises to strengthen the muscles around the joints so that they don’t get too weak.

Myth – Joint replacement surgery only works for severe arthritis.

Fact – This is another common joint replacement myth. Most types of arthritis do not lead to severe pain and inflammation that leads to arthritic joints becoming severely damaged. In fact, about one-third of all arthritis cases are caused by other medical conditions or injuries. Joint replacement surgery is performed in these cases as well.

Myth – Joint replacement is only for elderly people.

Fact – This joint replacement surgery myth needs to be busted. Joint replacement surgery is not something that is only recommended for elderly people. In fact, it’s one of the most common surgeries performed today. As a matter of fact, the joint replacement procedure is already available as a third option for treating damaged joints. This means that it can be done in patients of any age.

Myth – Joint replacement is too expensive for person. the average

Fact – This is another myth that’s busted. Joint replacement surgery is one of the safest surgeries that a person can undergo. In fact, some joint replacement surgeries are now offered as a government-funded program for those who meet certain health criteria. These surgeries are typically performed by a doctor who does not charge anything upfront. There are no out-of-pocket expenses like insurance premiums or copayments.

Myth – Joint Replacement Recovery Time Is Incredibly Long

Fact – activities and lead a much more active life. Most people are able to walk just a few hours after joint replacement surgery is completed. They’re not able to run and do more vigorous activities right away. But, within a few days, most patients are back to their normal, active lifestyles. In most cases, full recovery from joint replacement surgery is complete in between one to three months. That’s it! Ready to feel better and not worry about hip or knee pain? Schedule your joint replacement surgery consultation today.

Myth: Bedridden for weeks after the surgery

Fact: This is a false notion. In fact, your surgeon will advise and encourage you to walk or climb a few stairs the same day or the day after surgery. This light activity is suggested to help warm up the muscles and reduce any chance of blot clot formation, which is not good. Typically, hip surgery patients can walk without the walker after a few days and discontinue the use of the walking cane after a few weeks.

Myth: Joint Replacement Surgery means no more sports

Fact: This is not true at all. Initially, during the recovery period, the patient will be asked to stay away from any intensive and strenuous physical sport and activity but they can always pick up other low-impact games and sports like cycling, tennis, golf, swimming and walking.

Overall, most patients report feeling better after joint replacement surgery. They can resume their normal

Joint cartilage when damaged, can lead to pain and even disability. There are several causes of joint cartilage damage, including physical damage, infection, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, chemical damage, and infection. Understanding the causes of joint cartilage damage is essential for a good understanding of the condition. This helps in developing a personalized treatment plan and also keeping track of any changes in the condition.

What is Joint Cartilage?

Cartilage is a strong, organic and flexible tissue found throughout the body. It covers the surfaces of the joints between bones. It is an intermediate layer that reduces friction between bones and acts as a shock absorber. Type II collagen, which is a major structural protein in the human body is one of the components of the cartilage. Although cartilage is not bone, it does have cells called Chondrocytes just like the Osteocytes cells, found in bone tissue. Some types of cartilage are found at the ends of fingers and toes, in the ears, and in the nose.

Causes of Joint Cartilage Damage

Physical Damage

The causes of joint cartilage damage can be broadly grouped into physical and chemical damage. Physical damage to joint cartilage occurs when the cartilage is hit, scraped or injured by something like a bump or a fall. This might cause damage to the cartilage and also bring about a condition known as cartilage erosion, which leads to joint cartilage damage. In another form of physical damage to joint cartilage, the cartilage might be hit too severely by a hardobject like a ball or a bat, causing the tissue to bruise. This form of damage is reversible, but it still has an impact on the joint.

Chemical Damage

Joint cartilage is susceptible to chemical damage due to various reasons, such as an excessive amount of friction in the joint, certain medications, high fever, certain infections, and even certain types of surgeries. In the case of excessive friction, the cartilage can wear out, leading to joint damage. Excessive friction can also be due to a piece of bone or a joint capsule that is too thick, or that is out of place. If left untreated, this condition can lead to cartilage damage. Certain medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and even some types of birth control pills, can damage joint cartilage. High fever can also damage joint cartilage. This is because the body’s immune response to the infection causes an increase in joint fluid pressure, which damages the cartilage.


An infection in the joint cartilage can lead to damage to the tissue. Infections like bacterial and viral infections might spread due to injury to the joint cartilage in the form of a fall or a bump. It might also occur as a result of tissue impaction with foreign objects, like a piece of wood or even a splinter from your clothing. Bacterial infections are the most common type of infection that affects joint cartilage.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

Osteoarthritis is a condition that is caused by degeneration of the joint cartilage. It is specifically caused by aging, obesity, certain injuries, and even certain types of arthritis. OA is the most common cause of joint cartilage damage. It is one of the most common joint conditions seen in the elderly. On average, the condition affects two out of every ten people aged over sixty-five. OA is characterized by the progressive loss of joint cartilage, leading to abnormal bone growth on the cartilage surface. This abnormal bone growth leads to increased joint surface friction, resulting in pain and disability.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune dissorder that affects the joints. It is characterized by joint cartilage and bone inflammation, leading to joint damage and pain. People with this condition are likely to experience joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and even disability. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common cause of joint cartilage damage. It is also one of the most difficult conditions to treat, as it usually does not respond well to medications. However, there are several surgeries available to help alleviate joint pain and disability.


While joint tissue exists everywhere in the human body, the extent to which it functions varies greatly between individuals. The function of joint cartilage depends on its structure and how tightly linked it is with other parts of your anatomy. When functioning properly, it provides stability to many joints within your body. For instance, moving your arm up and down repeatedly will place great stress on your elbow as well as other joints within that limb, helping to keep it stable while it undergoes these movements. An estimated 300 million people worldwide are affected by joint issues at some point in their lives. Hence, it becomes very important we look into the causes that can damage these joint cartilages as it provides stability, reduces the impact of movements, and helps protect the joint surfaces from damage. It is vital to your health and well-being, as it prevents your bones from rubbing together too much and causing damage.